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답변을 얻은 뒤 반드시 감사의 덧글을 남기고, 좋은 답변은 채택해 주시는 센스...
질문할 때 예의를 지키시기 바랍니다.(빨리... 고수분만..... 이런 식의 요구는 자제 바랍니다.)
질문 내용 :
1. Reasearchers placed lost applications to graduate school at an airport and studied how frequently people who fecund the application helped by putting it in the mail. Results showed that people were more likely to send in the application if the person in the photo, whetehr male or female, was attractive. On overage, 52 percent of the applications of good-looking people wre returned compared to 35 percent of the applications of less attractive people. in this annonymous situation, willingness to help was affected by .
① the individual experience
② physical appearance
③ the number of witnesses
④social responsibility
⑤ environmental conditions

2. People cannot always even if they try to.A student may say she is not nervous about a test but will biteill bite her lower lip and blink more than usual, actions that often indicate nervousness. A young man waiting for a job interview may attempt to appear clam and casual, but will cross and uncross his legs contiunally, straighten his tie, touch his face, play with his hair. The average pitch of the voice is higher when someone is lying than when he or she is telling the truth.
① tell nothing hut the truth
②hide their true emotions
③do their best in everything
④understand what others say
⑤keep still if they are alone

3. Cats . A Cat, having secured a mouse, will bring it still alive, to its kittens and lay it before them. The victim, finding itself released, will make an effort to escape but it is not allowed to go far. no sonner has it moved a short distance than it is pounced upon in full view of the young and brought back. After this has been repeated two or three times. The kittrens are encouraged to prevent the captive from getting away. Later they are taken out to witness the capture of prey by theirs parents and thus ggradually learn what to do when the presence of prey suitable for food is suspected.
①teach their infants how to hunt
②often like to play with their prey
③never fail to eat their prey alive
④like to hunt their prey in groups
⑤protect their young from danger

4.More than any other form of life, humans are able to shape the environment they inhabit. They can also harm the environment. Such harm may be caused either knowingly or unknowingly. A person who takes woods from a forest for fuel may not know that this action, if done by thousands of people, will change the whole environment. Peoplewho throw away rubbish in a river may see little immediate damage. But, if many other people also use the river as a dumping place, the river will one day become too polluted to support fish life. therefore, we should remember that the protection of our environment depends on .
①social welfare
②each individual
③recycling process
④scientific development
⑤international cooperation

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2022-03-11 16:03:31
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