research findings are a very big part of intellectual property. some companies get their researchers to go around the world to look for plants that are good for the body. when they find the right plant, they try to find a way to use it as a medicine. some years ago, an american medicine company found out that a plant called “maca” in peru is very good for the body. so, they found a way to make it into a medicine. the medicine is sold all over the world. the company has made a lot of money. however, since the american company thought of using maca as a medicine first, the people in peru can’t use their plant maca to make medicine. they should have known the value of maca before it was taken away from them. 중3 교과서 본문 입니다. 저기서 them 이 의미하는 게 뭔지 모르겠어요.
페루사람이란 의견도 있고 미국인이란 의견도 있고
의견이 다 달라서요. ㅜㅜㅜ
답답해요 엄청. 저는 페루 사람들이 그것 maca를 빼앗기기전에 페루 사람들은 maca의 가치를 알았어야 했다.
이렇게 생각하는데 ㅜㅜㅜ 여러분들은 뭐가 맞다고 생각하세요ㅜㅜ 좀 알려주세요
이렇게 생각을 하는데 ㅜㅜ