more women than men appeared to have no paid occupations in the books, and those
occupations attributed to women were gender stereotyped,as were the occupations of men.
에서요 as가 부사로 쓰여 도치구문 으로 보면 되나요?고견 부탁 드리겠습니다
2022-02-24 10:33:13
more women than men appeared to have no paid occupations in the books, and those
occupations attributed to women were gender stereotyped,as were the occupations of men.
에서요 as가 부사로 쓰여 도치구문 으로 보면 되나요?고견 부탁 드리겠습니다
원래는 as the occupations of men were gender stereotyped 이런 문장인데 gender stereotyped 이 중복되며 생략되어 윗문장처럼 도치가 되었네요. as는 부사절을 이끄는 역할을 하구요.