수능완성 실전 1회 30번 변형문제입니다.An essential part of these investigations is concerned with irony, as one type of humor.For many years, researchers have investigated the subject of humor and tried to define what is behind it and which different of humor do exist. (1) In general, researchers agree that someone makes an ironic remark when the intended meaning of the speaker is different from what has actually been expressed. (2) What the speaker really believes and thinks is said in an indirect way. (3) Therefore, the listener is forced to recognize the discrepancy between the literal and the figurative meaning in order to understand what the speaker was trying to say. (4) What irony makes a part of humor is the tension which is created by the juxtaposition of two opposite meanings.(5)위의 문장이 들어가기에 알맞은 곳은 이라고 문제가 출제가 되었는데요. 원 지문에서는 1번에 들어가지만, 4번이라고 보는 것은 안되는지 선생님들의 의견이 궁금합니다.
(1)번 문장 전후를 살펴보시면 연결고리들이 보입니다.
(1)번전 문장, 즉 첫번째 문장에서 연구자들이 수년간 조사해 왔다.
삽입문장에 these investigations이 보이고 irony를 언급한 후,
(1)번이후 문장속에서 an ironic remark 라고 제시하는 것이 더 자연스럽습니다.
삽입문제는 논리적 연결고리를 찾아 읽어야 답을 찾는데 도움이 될 것 같습니다.