1. in academic circles many believe that scientists do not receive the respect they deserve. but if i can find something
that is worth doing, i am not interested in .
a) how people think of me
b) what people think of me
c) what do people think of me
d) that people think of me
ㅡ 답은 b번인데요 a번은 왜 안되는걸까요? a번도 how절이니까 의문사절이고 전치사in뒤에 올수있고
뜻으로보면 오히려a가 맞을거같은데.. 알려주세요~
2. 혹시 well-flagged 란 단어를 알고 계신가요? 독해하다가 나온건데
사전검색해봐도 안나오고 인터넷에 검색해봐도 다 영어사이트밖에없어서요;;
the sale of weapons to taiwan (defensive in nature and in the context of a huge mainland build-up) was well-flagged
and not excessive.
ㅡ 위의 문장에서 나온건데요 궁금하네요 무슨뜻으로쓰인건지...
답변좀 부탁드립니다~ 감사합니다~
댓글 0
2022-02-12 15:10:18