top things to know:
1. when it comes to teaching kids about money, the sooner the better.
up until they start earning a living , and sometimes well beyond that, kids
are apt to spend money like it grows on trees. this lesson will help you
put your children on the road to handling money responsibly.
long before most children can add or subtract, they become aware of the concept of money. any 4-year-old knows where their parents get mnoey - the ATM,of course. understanding that parents must work for their money requires a more mature mind, and even then, the learning process has its wrinkles.
for example, once he came to understand that his father worked for a living , a 5-year-old asked, how was work today? fine, the father replied. the child then asked, did you get the money?
2. once they learn how money works, children often display an instinctive conservatism.
instant gratification aside, once they learn they can buy things they want with money - e.g., candy, toys- many children will begin hoarding every nickel they can get their hands on . how this urge is channeled can determine what kind of financial manager your child will be as an adult.
즉각적인(아주짧은) 만족감은 제쳐두고 , 자신들이 원하는것을 돈을갖고 살수있다는걸 알게되면,
예를들어서 사탕, 장난감들 , 그들의 손이 닿을수있는 모든 동전을 모으기시작합니다 .
이런 충동이 어떻게 수로를 형성하느냐에따라 [어떻게 습관으로 형성되느냐에따라]
장차 어른으로서 어떤종류의 재무 매니저가되느냐를 결정할수있게 되는겁니다.
질문1)즉각적인 만족감은 무엇을 의미하나요?
질문2)이런충동이 무엇을 의미하나요? 돈을단순히 모으는거? 인가요
질문3)돈모으는것이 어떻게 습관으로 형성되는게 무슨말인가요
돈모으느것이 어떻게 모으느냐를 말하는건지 돈모아서 다른샛길로빠져 돈을써버리는경우도말하는건지..
질문4) 왜 재무매니저 라고말하나요? 꼭 재무매니저가 되는것도아니구 단순히 동전모아서 그런게
왜 재무매니저까지연결이되는지..이해가안갑니다... 재무매니저가 직업아닌가요?