아래 문장 4개 해석 부탁드립니다ㅠㅠ
1. the latest episode of the mini-series was set to air yesterday, but legal disputes over rights to the show caused it to be postponed one week.
2. the walker company’s financial consultant will be on the premises tomorrow and has requested that the senior accountant meet him at 10:00 a.m.
3. were we to come up with the right methods, we could make a fortune on the market.
4. had the metro finance company been willing to loan the tzly company the money, they would have been willing to expand their services to the east coast.
댓글 5
2022-02-09 16:45:03
1. 그 미니시리즈의 최신 화(에피소드)가 어제 방송될 것으로 예정돼 있었으나, 프로그램(쇼)의 권리에 대한 법적 논쟁이 그것(방영)을 한 주 연기되게 했다.