( ⓐ ) Dancers thanked the gods for generous rains and plentiful crops. ( ⓑ ) Everyone joined on the dancing, and a joyful mood spread throughout the whole community. ( ⓒ ) As societies developed. dancing became more of a social activity. In many social gatherings. dancing helps to break the ice. It also gives peoples an opportunity to improve their social skills and chance to develop friendship.
( ⓓ ) Just as dancing is an important part of many western societies. It also plays an important part in portraying Korean culture and people ( ⓔ ).
위 단락을 두 단락으로 나눌 때, 두 번째 단락의 첫 문장의 첫 단어로 알맞은 것은 ?
① Everyone ② As ③ In
④ It ⑤ Just
답이 ②⑤ 둘중 어느것이 맞는지요?
2022-02-08 23:13:42
5번이 더 적합한 답인 것 같습니다./
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