1. these cars are much more expensive than (that one/those ones)
2. do any of (the students/students) in your class have tickets for this concert?
3. my parents want me to be proud of (themselves/myself)
4. gold is mined (by/in) several countries.
밑줄친 부분 바르게 고친것
5. your store (should open )by 10 am. i could buy the item from your store.
1)would open
2)슈드 비 오픈드
3) 우드 해브 오픈드
4)슈드 해브 빈 오픈드
잘못된 부분 고쳐주세요
6. what novel wrote by mr.lee?
7. where was made the new swmming pool?
8. the thief was seen break into the house last night.
9. who was the record made yesterday?제가 좀.....급해요 ㅠㅠㅠ
댓글 0
2022-02-03 18:14:53