파사쥬 기본, 4단원, 수동태 단원에 나오는 지문이구요, 문장의 빨간부분중에서
주어가 정관사 하나로 연결되었으니 동사는 단수 취급해야할듯 한데, 복수형태인것이 의외입니다.
이것저것 찾아보구 생각해봐두 딱히 설명할 방도가 없는데, 여러 샘들이 보시구 어찌된 내용인지
설명좀 부탁드립니다
the size and shape of the nest are larger clues
in northern california birding can invite a lot of exciting sightings, but it can be a little ① perplexing when you find a nest of unidentifiable juveniles. however, with some simple tactics, you can identify the bird’s identity with only the baby bird for a clue. according to the shape of the beak, the baby bird can ② be identified as a duck, water bird, or a common northern california bird. the size and shape of the nest are larger clues. if the nest is on the ground, made of grass or moss, and has a shallow in dimple in the middle, it might ③ be belonged to the sandpiper. when ④ looking at the bird’s nest and the baby birds, make sure to identify the location. if the nest is high in a tree ⑤ located near forest, it may be the american robin.