29. 다음 글의 문맥 속에서 의미하는 바가 다른 하나는?
remember in the old days the difference between a woman’s bikes and man’s was the top bar position? women’s bikes were designed so they could ride them in a dress and did not have to struggle to throw their leg over a top bar! well, things have changed over the years, yet we still ①have a long way to go. why is it so ②hard to find a bike suitable for a woman? if you have not noticed yet, most bikes are built to fit the average man. the average size of a woman is smaller, and women usually have smaller hands and feet. maybe they find it frustrating that they ③cannot squeeze the brakes easily because ④their hand span is not large enough. the bike makers are still ⑤behind the times. i suggest they take a step in the right direction.
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