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답변을 얻은 뒤 반드시 감사의 덧글을 남기고, 좋은 답변은 채택해 주시는 센스...
질문할 때 예의를 지키시기 바랍니다.(빨리... 고수분만..... 이런 식의 요구는 자제 바랍니다.)
질문 내용 :

1. [출제의도] 설명하는 대상 찾기
M:I am so excited.
W:What’s up?
M:I finally got a pet dog yesterday.
W:Oh, really? Congratulations! You’ve been looking forward to getting one. He or she?
M:It’s a he. He is so cute when he wags his short tail.
W:How does he look?
M:He has long hair. He’s not big. He’s not small, either.
W:Is he spotted?
M:No, he’s not. He’s white.
W:Umm..., a medium­sized, lovely dog with long hair and a short tail. I can’t wait to see him.
M:You can come to my house and see him any time you want.
W:Sure, I will.
[어구] wag 꼬리를 흔들다 spotted 점박이의
[해설] 남자가 자신의 애완견의 꼬리, 털, 색깔, 그리고 크기에 대해 여자에게 설명하고 있다.2. [출제의도] 심정 추론하기
W:Since my parents went on a trip, my life has been a total mess.
M:What’s the matter?
W:Well, my cold hasn’t gotten any better. My whole body really aches. And on top of that, I just found out someone stole my bike. What a terrible day!
M:That’s too bad. Here, let me give you a ride with my bike.
W:Thank you. I need to lie down as soon as I get home.
M:Yes, you’ll feel much better after taking some rest. I’ll get you my mom’s home­made soup.
W:How sweet of you!
M:If you need anything else, let me know.
W:Oh, dear! You make me cry.
M:Come on. What are friends for?

[어구] on top of that 게다가
[해설] 여러 모로 힘든 상황에서 도와주고 있는 친구에게 감동하고 있다.3. [출제의도] 설명하는 내용 파악하기
W:This program will give your children more chances for exercise and visiting with friends or neighbors on the way to school. It’s like a carpool, but without the car. When beginning the program, start with a small group. Take a test walk and see how it works out. Once you think the walk is fun and safe, invite other parents and children who are interested. If this program goes well, your children’s walk to school will be more pleasant and secure.

[어구] test walk 시험 도보
[해설] 도보 등교 프로그램에 관한 설명이다.4. [출제의도] 남자가 할 일 찾기
M:Gee! This is the third time I received a sales call on my mobile phone.
W:If you feel bothered, save the number in your phone book. Then give the number a spam ring tone. That way you will not answer spam calls.
M:Wow! That’s a good idea! Save the number and give it a spam ring tone. But... where can I get a ring tone?
W:Simple. The manual will show you how to do it.
M:Ohhh.... Where is my manual? I don’t remember.
W:If you don’t, call the customer service and ask about it.
M:You are so helpful. I’ll call right away.

[어구] spam ring tone 스팸 벨소리
[해설] 스팸 전화를 받지 않는 방법에 관해 설명을 듣고 고객센터에 전화하겠다는 내용이다.5. [출제의도] 목적지까지 걸릴 시간 찾기
M:Excuse me. Does this bus go to City Hall?
W:I think you took the wrong bus.
M:Oh, my goodness! Then what bus should I take?
W:Hmm.... Not a bus. You should take the subway. First, get off this bus at the Daehan stop.
M:Get off at the Daehan stop? How far is it from here?
W:10 minutes to go.
M:10 minutes? O.K. Is it far from there to the subway station?
W:No, it’s not. When you get off the bus, turn right and just walk straight for 5 minutes until you find a subway entrance. From there, it will take 10 more minutes to get to City Hall.
M:I got it! Thank you so much for your help!

[해설] Daehan 역까지 10분, 버스에서 내린 후 걸어서 5분, 그리고 지하철을 타고 10분 가야 하므로 총 25분이 걸림을 알 수 있다.6. [출제의도] 방송의 목적 파악하기
[The announcement signal]
M:Hello, ABC Apartment residents! This is the maintenance office. We have always tried to serve you as best as we can. To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we are going to offer you a special event. According to the survey done last week, most people wanted new toilets or bathtubs. So, we’ve decided to
modernize your bathrooms at a discounted rate. If you are interested, fill out the form in your mailbox and visit our office by September 30th. This is a wonderful chance to remodel your bathroom! Don’t miss it!

[어구] resident 주민 maintenance office 관리 사무소 anniversary 기념일
[해설] 아파트 10주년을 기념하여 욕실 개조 할인 행사를 실시한다는 안내 방송이다.7. [출제의도] 부탁한 일 찾기
[The telephone rings.]
W:Hi, Bob. This is Mi­jin. Are you busy today?
M:No, not really.
W:Then, could you do me a favor?
M:Sure. What is it?
W:I need to print out my math assignment to hand in tomorrow morning.
M:You haven’t repaired your printer yet?
W:I’ve been too busy lately.
M:Then e­mail me your assignment.
W:O.K. I will e­mail it to you right now. Could you print it out for me?
M:No problem. I will give it to you tomorrow morning at school.
W:Thanks, Bob. You are really a good friend.

[어구] print out 출력하다
[해설] 여자의 프린터가 고장이 나서 남자에게 과제물 출력을 부탁하고 있다.8. [출제의도] 두 사람의 관계 파악하기
W:These are Joseon dynasty pottery.
M:Are they different from Goryeo pottery?
W:Yes, Joseon pottery was popular among common people and typically white in color.
M:Oh, I think I’ve heard that in class before.
W:Oh, have you? In a history class?
M:No, from my art teacher.
W:Excellent. The more you know, the more you enjoy it.
M:I think I should visit here again with my sister. When do you open and close?
W:We open at 9:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m. O.K. Now, let’s move on to the next exhibition hall. I will show you the gold crowns of the Silla era.

[어구] pottery 도자기 exhibition hall 전시장
[해설] 박물관 해설사가 학생에게 전시물을 설명하고 있다.9. [출제의도] 대화 장소 추론하기
M:Whew! We’ve finally arrived.
W:Actually, we still have 10 minutes before the program starts. Why don’t we look around?
M:Look! In this picture there is lots of snow, but here most of the snow has gone.
W:Is that because of global warming?
M:Yes. Look at this chart. It shows the sea level changes in the Arctic.
W:How could it happen?
M:Air pollution is the main cause of it. We should do something to stop it.
W:What do you think we should do then?
M:That’s why we are here for the Green Earth Campaign.
W:Oops! We’d better take our seats. The seminar is starting.
[어구] sea level 해수면
[해설] 두 친구가 환경보호 세미나장에서 나누는 대화이다.10. [출제의도] 남자가 여자를 위해 할 일 찾기
W:I worry that not many students are reading today. How can we get students to read more?
M:I think good fiction certainly can help.
W:When I was young, I loved reading funny comic books.
M:Me, too. Students should know that reading is fun.
W:You are right.
M:Some of my students like reading Harry Potter and the Twilight series.
W:Do they? Do you happen to have any book lists good for teens?
M:Yes, I do. I’ve made a list of books from the library records.
W:Could I have one? It will motivate my students to read more.
M:Okay, I will get one for you.

[어구] motivate 동기부여하다
[해설] 여자가 남자에게 도서목록을 줄 것을 부탁하고 있다. 11. [출제의도] 표의 세부 내용 파악하기
W:I’d like to get some flight information from Incheon to Sydney.
M:You are at the right place, ma’am. When do you want to fly?
W:I want to fly no later than October 20th.
M:Okay. You want to fly before October 20th. Do you want a direct flight to Sydney?
W:That would be nice. However, I don’t want to fly over 15 hours because my back usually hurts from long flights.
M:I see....
W:Oh, I almost forgot to tell you this. My budget has been tight recently, so I can’t afford more than 1,000 dollars.
M:Well, I think you have only one choice left then.

[어구] no later than ∼보다 늦지 않게 budget 예산 tight 돈이 부족한
[해설] 한 부인이 자신의 스케줄과 건강, 그리고 금전상황에 맞는 항공편을 고르고 있다.12. [출제의도] 담화의 세부 내용 파악하기
W: Attention, please. This test is to check how well you understand the rules of the road. And it will check how safely you can drive. Before the road test, your driving examiner will explain to you what you should do. But during the test, he will not say unnecessary words. However, if needed, the examiner will tell you which direction to go. As soon as the test ends, you will get results from your driving examiner. Now, if you think you are ready, come and meet your examiner.

[어구] driving examiner 운전 시험관
[해설] 도로운전시험에 관한 안내방송이다.13. [출제의도] 그림 상황에 맞는 대화 찾기
① W:Do you have any coupons?
M:Yes, I have one for this pizza.
② W:What seems to be the problem, Mr. Kim?
M:I’ve had this terrible cough since last night.
③ W:How many quarters do I need?
M:You need two quarters to wash and three quarters to dry.
④ W:Is this classroom for English 101?
M:Yes, but today’s class has been canceled.
⑤ W:Do you have insurance for this car?
M:Yes, I sure do.

[어구] cough 기침 insurance 보험 quarter 25센트 동전
[해설] 빨래방에서 남자가 여자에게 세탁과 건조를 위해 필요한 동전 금액을 설명해주고 있다.14. [출제의도] 대화에 적절한 응답 찾기
[The telephone rings.]
M:Hi, Julia, this is Tom. How are you feeling today?
W:Much better, thanks. Now I’ve almost gotten over the flu. I’m wondering if there was any homework assigned while I was absent.
M:The art teacher gave us a group project.
W:What is the topic?
M:It’s about Asian paintings. We should submit our group report by the 15th. Not many days left.
W:Then, do you think we should get together soon?
M:Actually, that’s why I called. What day is best for you this week?

[어구] assigned 부과된 submit 제출하다
[해설] 그룹 과제를 위해 모일 수 있는 날이 언제인지를 묻는 남자의 질문에 어울리는 대답을 고르는 문제이다.

15. [출제의도] 대화에 적절한 응답 찾기
M:Our mid­term exam is just five days away.
W:I know. We should concentrate on our classes more.
M:Yeah.... I am a bit worried I might fail on the test.
W:We still have five more days to study. We’ll be fine.
M:But you know I got two C’s, in math and history, last year.
W:Come on. Let’s not worry too much. The teachers said the mid­term would be easier this time.
M:You are right. We need to be more positive. But first, I need a coffee to stay awake in the next class. Do you want to go to the cafeteria with me?
W:No, I’d rather stay here and finish this book.

[어구] concentrate on ~에 집중하다
[해설] 카페테리아에 함께 가자고 제안하는 친구에게 남아서 공부를 더 하겠다고 여자가 말하는 상황에서 남자가 응답할 말을 고르는?고르는 문제이다.

16. [출제의도] 대화에 적절한 응답 찾기
M:Did you see the movie “Marado,” directed by Mr. Gang Jun?
W:Not yet. Why?
M:It has become a hot issue these days.
W:Actually I am a big fan of the director.
M:Me, too! He is a master of film making, don’t you think?
W:I agree. But this time some critics are a bit negative about “Marado.”
M:I can’t agree with them until I see the movie myself. I’m going to go now. Do you want to come?
W:I’d love to, but not today.
M:Why not? Do you have something to do?

[어구] director 감독 critics 비평가들
[해설] 지금 영화를 보러 갈 수 없는 이유를 묻는 남자의 질문에 어울리는 대답을 고르는 문제이다.

17. [출제의도] 상황에 맞는 표현 추론하기
M:Mary is taking a writing course this semester. But her writing skills have not improved as much as she’d hoped. Her writing course teacher, Mr. Lee, advised her to keep a journal in English. She kept writing following his advice. Today, Mary is visiting Mr. Lee again to get some feedback. Mr. Lee is very surprised to see her writing. It’s very creative and stylish, although it has some mistakes. He wants to praise Mary and encourage her to write more. In this situation, what would Mr. Lee most likely say to Mary?

[어구] writing course 작문 수업 semester 학기
[해설] 작문 수업을 듣고 있는 Mary의 글을 칭찬하고 격려하기 위해 Lee선생님이 해 줄 말을 찾는 문제이다

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2022-01-24 07:43:09
여행오키 | 사업자 등록번호 : 109-86-27241 | 관리 책임자 : 명현재
주소 : 서울시 강서구 화곡동 786-9 탑건 302호 | 문의 : kjs8907@nate.com