stress management – start here!a lot of research has been conducted intostress over the last hundred years. some of the theories behind it are nowsettled and accepted; others are still being researched and debated. duringthis time, there seems to have been something approaching open warfare betweencompeting theories and definitions: views have been passionately held andaggressively defended.what complicatesthis is that intuitively we all feel that we know what stress is, as it issomething we have all experienced. a definition should therefore be obvious...except that it is not.
조금 기나요? 질문하는 부분만 올리면 앞뒤 이해가 안되실꺼 가타서 다 올려봐요^^
지문 젤뒤에...except that it is not. 여기서 not 뒤에 머가 생략된건지.....잘 모르겟네요,,,
해석은 어렵지 않은데....당체 모르겟네요,,,,,,,,,,
언제쯤 열어를 잘할수 있을지-_-