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질문 내용 :
20.Mosquitoes are found in most parts of Europe. It is unlikely that they carry malaria but they can cause irritation and infected bites. It is always a good idea to use a DEET-based insect repellent. Bees and wasps cause real problems only to those with a severe allergy. If you have a severe allergy to bee or wasp stings, be sure to carry an adrenaline-injection. Sand flies are found around Mediterranean beaches. They usually carry only a nasty, itchy bite but they can also carry a rare skin disorder called Cutaneous Leshmaniasis.
Q. Which of the following is the most suitable title of the passage?
a. The Dangers of Insect Bites
b. Common Insects in Europe that Bite
c. Preventing Insect Bites
d. Decreasing Insect Bite Reactions지문보면 벌레들이 말라리아를 병행하기도 하고 염증을 유발하고 병균을 옮긴다고 되어있고... 알러지등을 일으키며 피부병Cutaneous Leshmaniasis 를 옮긴다 이런 내용을 보아 a도 충분히 답이되지않나용?
그리고 보라색으로 친부분으로 보아 preventing Insect bites도 답이될것같은데