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질문 내용 :
22. The story of quality of services and life in India revolves around the factors of competition and liberalization. Sectors that have been opened for competition show distinctly higher levels of satisfaction. For example, almost seven out of ten people find improvement in telecom services since the government has allowed private companies into the sector. This has drastically expanded access and brought down the costs of services. Similarly, the efforts of the government in pushing the private road connectivity program seem to have made a difference as well as one out of every two people feels that the condition of the roads have improved.
Q. What is the passage about?
a. Satisfaction with government services
b. Higher approval rate of privatized services
c. Increased quality of life in rural India.
d. Changes made by the new governmentc와 d는 답이 확실히 안된다고 생각하는데 본문을 보면 사람들이 정부가 제시한 텔레콤 서비스나
도로프로그램등을 추친하면서 만족도가 올라갔다는 내용이므로 a도 답이 될것 같은데 정확한 설
명 부탁해용 ㅠㅠ
정부가 직접 통신, 도로 인프라를 구축해서 거기에 대해 만족한다는 내용이 아닙니다. / 경쟁과 개방화라는 대전제하에 사기업을 통신과 도로연결사업에 뛰어들도록 허용하고 유도하고 경쟁을 시킨 결과, 해당분야에 대한 서비스 만족도가 크게 높아졌다는 내용이므로 b번이 적절하겠습니다.